Monday, 31 March 2014

First Fire

Since we built our cob oven there has been one storm after another.....not good outdoor oven drying weather!! But after one beautiful weekend of hot sunny summer weather a group of about a dozen community members came together to empty the sand out of the oven and to light the ovens very first fire...................And our oven still stands....YAY :)
the drying process continues and were one step closer to pizza!
Sunny with the first scoop of sand

The light

First Fire
She burns.....and works....

the last of the sand.....and she stands

Monday, 17 March 2014

The mob with the cob

With the cob oven workshop booked in for Sunday, it wasn't till late Friday afternoon that we found out that we needed a concrete slab (or similar) for the pizza oven to be built on....................after putting what felt like half the town into a panic, Matt (Community Garden water coordinator and garden neighbour) and Corey (from Xylosinuous & also Community Garden member) joined forces and came together with minimal notice, donated their time, energy and resources and on Saturday laid the pizza oven base. Thanks boys for your super community spirit :)
Thanks Matt & Corey
So with the base in place, on Sunday a committed, enthusiastic and fun bunch of community members came together to learn the skill of cob building. All morning we mixed, stomped, twisted, turned, moulded and sculptured the clay and straw (adobe) into cobs.
Thankyou to Tony from Rockcote Traditional Arts for delivering and leading a fabulous and fun filled workshop......what a fabulous day and what a brilliant creation....
The first community cob oven in Evans Head!!
Thankyou to everyone that came along and joined in.
What a beautiful skill sharing day.
A bid Thankyou to everyone that brought a plate of food to time it might be pizza!!
Stomping & twisting

The making

Feels good

Cob smiles

The building

Our lovely cobs

Sand sculpting

one cob at a time

concentrating on the symmetry

The mob

Team work

making the insulation

The final layer

Our community cob oven

The day ended with a somewhat nervous storm, but was followed by this....a somewhat perfect ending..

Friday, 14 March 2014

A Nutty Harvest

A bumpa harvest from a beautiful property in Coraki. Avocados, star fruit, macadamias, pecans and ice cream beans just to name a few. Thankyou to our newest Mid Richmond food Crop Collector resident, Catherine Gregg for sharing and caring........amazing

Star fruit

Ice cream bean


The Harvest

Feature Garden

The Hive Community Gardens main feature garden is underway. A big thankyou to Uncle Herb Roberts for the beautiful idea & design. A great day was had by all helping the `turtle come to life`.
Thanks to everyone who came along to help out.....exciting:)

The gardens first blooms